what procedure calls or references what procedure.” “In the process creating a somewhat complicated Excel VBA workbook I found I needed a code that would give me a procedure flow chart, i.e.On her web page, Professor Townsend described why she created this code, and how it works: Maybe you’ll have suggestions for improving the code, but I didn’t experience any problems with it. I tested the code in one of my files, and it worked very well, showing a list of all procedures, plus a list of which procedures are called by others. In her email to me, she warned that, “The code is not very polished…I am a professor and optical physicist by profession, not a programmer.
Recently, Professor Lee Townsend, from the University of Hartford, sent me the code that she uses to document a workbook’s code. Here’s how you can document your Excel VBA procedures. In a complicated Excel file, you might end up with several code modules, and it’s easy to lose track of what’s connected to what.